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Mystery Reader Again
Julia’s First Book
台湾的点心好吃,我算是见识了。Julia的同学Pei Jen一家来我们家party,Pei Jen妈妈带来了两道甜点,期中的台式炸年糕让我吃得停不下筷子,尽管是高热量高糖分。当天我就要了recipe. 周末去中国店买齐了原材料,今天开工啦。
We Made Four Flavors of Cookies to Celebrate Chinese New Year
Before the Chinese New Year came, Dunzi and I got together and made four Yummy flavors of cookies.
Time to show…
Sun flower seed flavor.
We used an Japanese recipe to make sun flower seed cookie again. Not look good but taste good.
My favorite recipe is here.
40g butter, 40g sugar, 40 cake flour,40g nuts. Try it. You’ll not be disappointed.
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Open House Day
Open House Day,我的理解就是“家长开放日”,学校向各位家长们展示您的孩子在学校发生的一切。学校和孩子们为此日准备了许久,Julia也是异常兴奋,给我们做了请柬,还准备了好多作品等着我们去参观。
到达学校,先和Julia的老师Ms Kerber见面,谈了一下Julia入学以来的情况,当然,老师对小家伙是赞许有加的,也不是客套话,她确实进步很大,可以读书,可以说话,可以交流,amazing,让我们所有人surprise。Ms Kerber给我们准备了一张check list,我们到各个地方去看自己孩子的作品,这些地方也就是她平时学习生活的地方。
Because the Valentine‘s Day is coming!She made this for our family。“Love is help my baby sister。” Isn’t it great?I’m so touched。I think this is our first family picture。How lovely!
Because the President Day is coming, so she drew George Washington。This is the cutest Washington I ever seen。
Their computer room。She loves this room very much。I bet she had lots of fun here。
Their library。Julia brings 3 books home from here every week。I wish we could keep this reading habit in China。
Julia‘s snowman。
Snowman’s name:Princess Snowman
Likes to drink:COCO Milk
Loves to play:Loves to play with me。
Hehe, FUNNY!
Julia‘s penguin and rainbow heart in their art room。
In her ESL English Classroom。 Check her folder。
Their GYM.
In her classroom。 Check her reading box and book books。
Help her sharp pencils and clean pencil box。
Julia’s classroom。I haven’t seen elementary classroom in China for a long time. Isn’t it different?
Still their classroom. 20 kids here.
The other side of their classroom.
Learning process.
Birthday Wall. Every one’s birthday is here.
感觉比国内纯粹的家长会有意思多了,不仅仅只关注考试成绩,每个孩子都是有天分的。有很多地方值得我们学习。让我很amazing的地方还有一个,就是Julia她们每天在学校发生的事情就跟我们在图书馆里借的各种books里面说的一样,可见美国的教育有多标准化了。比如在学校掉了牙齿就可以得到一个牙齿形状的项链等等。呵呵,the sad thing is,Julia lost both her two tooth at home。You should know she has dreamed that necklace for a long time。