
怡人的季节 舒适的天气 美丽的心情

打从立春那一天起,Pittsburgh 就进入正儿八经的春天,再也没有冷过,每天二十度左右,几乎每天都是阳光灿烂,蓝天白云,偶尔下雨,但也会马上结束,空气无比清新,处处欣欣向荣,心情无比愉悦,开始期待夏天,因为夏天的到来又代表着一个新的时代。


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Lovely Spring

Last week, Julia told me, “April showers bring flowers.” She said exactly the right thing. After several days of raining, we already saw the new green leaves and colorful flowers. 
IMG_1267I took these pictures today. On my way walking this morning, I saw these fabulous views. I just couldn’t stop myself taking these great pictures. It was strange that why  I hadn’t noticed these before since I walked around here everyday.


Pittsburgh has four distinctive seasons. In autumn, almost all leaves fall down and there is very few ever green trees here. So you can imagine how does the winter look like here and how much do the people living here eager for the spring. IMG_1274

In spring, everything is shooting up. It’s so prosperous all around. Every one looks happy and vigorous and waving hands say hello to you. I feel great!IMG_1273

All these flowers are in our community and they are  just around my building. What a nice place!

I met Bob who is in charge of this community this morning. He saw me taking pictures around and then he nicely asked me to pick some flowers home and enjoy them. You can’t imagine how excited Julia was when I told her this news. She picked two blooms and she asked me ‘Mom, can we get the honey out of the flowers?” “Maybe yes, but we need ask bees for help.”Isn’t it cute?




